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As a psychologist I have long been puzzled by the question of how a psychopath manages to convince people to support and believe in him. What is the underlying psychological mechanism that would allow for such a phenomenon to occur? How does Scott Walker, “the most divisive governor in Wisconsin history,” gain supporters? The record clearly indicates that he has lied from the beginning of his first campaign, while he was still running for his first term as governor. He portrayed himself then as a moderate, then once elected into office he “dropped the bomb” and displayed his true extremist tendencies. “Bait and switch” is one way of describing this behavior. “Lying psychopath” is yet another way.

running for his first term as governor. He portrayed himself then as a moderate, then once elected into office he “dropped the bomb” and displayed his true extremist tendencies by revealing his intent to break the labor unions and destroy the middle class. “Bait and switch” is one way of describing this behavior. “Lying psychopath” is yet another way.

Not only did Mr. Walker lie before being elected as governor, but he has continued to lie throughout his tenure in office. One of his next BIG LIES was on Friday, September 2nd, 2011 in a fund-raising letter where he declared: "Wisconsin is broke," and "state government is $3 billion in debt." According to the non-partisan website PolitiFact Wisconsin, “The statements are false and ridiculous.”

Friday, September 2nd, 2011 in a fund-raising letter where he declared: "Wisconsin is broke," and "state government is $3 billion in debt." Yet according to the non-partisan website PolitiFact Wisconsin, “The statements are false and ridiculous.”

Lying is what Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker…does best. He radiates sincerity as the greasy words ooze from his pie hole.” In fact, it seems to me that Walker’s lies are an essential and integral component of his overall political strategy, which he himself defines as “divide and conquer.” As of this writing it is late October, 2014 – a week before the November elections. Driving down the city streets or rural roads one encounters numerous “We Stand With Walker” signs displayed prominently in front yards. Really? Rather than Stand With Wisconsin, with your friends and fellow citizens, you choose to align yourself with a lying, criminal psychopath? I find this to be very strange, surreal in fact.

So what exactly is going on here? How did Scott Walker “divide and conquer” the good people of Wisconsin? How did he get some people to “stand” with him when it is abundantly clear to most others that he LIES and cannot be trusted?

“Scenario #1: Citigroup, ahem, pardon me, I mean ‘Shittygroup’ borrows money from the Federal Reserve at zero percent interest. Shittygroup lends to people who they know cannot pay them back. Shittygroup repackages these toxic loans as Triple-A assets. Shittygroup sells the loans to state public employee pension plans. Shittygroup gets rich and pays their management billions of dollars in bonuses. Then the toxic assets completely collapse and nearly destroys the world economy. State public employees lose billions of dollars in pension funds. Republicans blame the unions for the pension fund losses. To compensate, the states cut public employee salaries, benefits, and union rights. Meanwhile, back on Wall Street, Shittygroup gets a 50 billion dollar TARP bailout, and again pays their management billions in bonuses.

much as the average worker. In 2011, they earn 551 times as much as the average worker...” -The Greanville Post

Yet I have talked to Walker supporters until I am blue in the face, laying out the facts, explaining the lies and propaganda, and they STILL continue to support their precious leader. I tell them, “Look, you yourselves are utterly middle class. This guy is out to DESTROY the middle class - how can you in good conscience continue to support him?” But their eyes glaze over and they look at me as if I am speaking Swahili. They are unwilling or unable to comprehend what I am saying. A friend of mine of over 30 years who lives in the Green Bay area - a staunch Walker supporter - was so completely brainwashed by the LameStream Media propaganda that he emailed me to tell me that I was now his enemy, merely by virtue of the fact that I was a union member and a public sector employee!

"I warned people long before the governor's election in 2010 when right wing hate radio continually talked about the 'haves' (public employees) and 'have nots'. They successfully drove that point home, making public workers the enemy, and opening the door for Walker's evil plan." -Democratic Underground

"How did we get here? The big culprit is the Koo-Koo tax cuts of 2013 and other reductions passed at the start of this year, which not only reduced tax rates, but also changed the withholding tables, meaning that less money came to the DOR from people’s paychecks. The cynical idea that Scott Walker and company had is that this would make voters more likely to back the Republicans this November with a few more dollars in their pockets (key word- few), and much of these withholding table changes will be counteracted by what you don’t get in tax refunds over the next 2 years (basically, your refund will be less, so the state ‘keeps’ more. Conveniently, this doesn’t happen until after the November elections).

"This means a budget deficit of $1.322 BILLION lying in wait for the next 2-year cycle. And if we see any more slippage in this year (very possible with low job growth and higher expenses being revealed by the day), this number grows higher.

"So we’ve now seen a repeat of the Tommy Thompson and George Bush idiocy of 2001, where a one-time surplus has been blown by short-sighted tax cuts, and now we have a widening budget deficit as a result. It also blows apart a major theme Gov. Walker has tried to repeat during this campaign - that his austerity budget moves and tax cutting has left the state better off fiscally. It has not, and in fact, our hands are tied much more than they were when Walker took office in 2011...”

“As a student of human behavior, I have studied many aspects of human behavior and in the past few years I've had to focus directly upon the issue of psychopaths. It has been a very enlightening study. I've learned a great deal and have come to realize that there are many more psychopaths among us than most people would have ever thought. And, most of those psychopaths appear to be of a kind which do not kill other people outright or in a fast or noticeable way - they are very ingenious…

“As I have watched the events unfolding in Wisconsin, I have paid particular attention to its governor Scott Walker. What I have seen in Scott Walker's actions and tactics, as well as how he tries to paint his opponents, is a man showing some of the classic symptoms of psychopathy…” -Is WI Governor Scott Walker A Psychopath?

So what accounts for the “true believers” unquestioning faith in this guy? How does a lying, criminal psychopath like Walker get so many good people to believe in him? Are the people really that “dumbed down”? Or is the psychopath merely that skilled in the subtle manipulation of the populace? After careful consideration I have come to the conclusion that either: (1) Believers in Walker are somewhat intellectually challenged - they just ain’t too bright; or (2) after years of naked exposure to Faux Snooze Network the “true believers” faculties of critical thinking have completely atrophied, leaving them vulnerable to mendacious media manipulation; or (3) the believers themselves have some psychopathic tendencies, and hence I-dentify with Walker in this regard - they’re simpatico; or (4) the believer expects to benefit in some way, usually monetarily, by the psychopath being in office. I’ll be generous and say that perhaps the majority of believers fall into this latter category. This was especially evident when the recall election was ongoing and Walker promised property tax relief, which saved homeowners “about $13 a year in 2014 for the owner of an average $148,000 home and $20 for the same homeowner in 2015.” Quite a savings! And in late August of 2014 the headlines declared: “Scott Walker's budget implodes. $1.8 BILLION in Wis deficits.Walker’s austerity policies have now brought Wisconsin to the brink of economic disaster, and still the “true believers” refuse to give up the ghost. (Fixed delusions are very difficult to dislodge…)

"If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are         

“Dale (Koo)Kooyenga is proposing additional tax cuts and trying to stuff into the state budget at the last minute.

“Kooyenga's tax cut plan will shut down a number of tax credits, and in return would cut income tax rates for many income levels beyond what Gov. Walker has proposed for this budget...

“Beginning in tax year 2015, the number of tax brackets would be reduced to three. Relative to current law, the second, third, and fourth tax brackets would be collapsed into a single bracket, and the income that falls within that bracket would be taxed at a rate of 5.94%.

“The upshot of this is that people with 6-figure taxable incomes in Wisconsin would see a significant tax cut, with marginal rates dropping from 6.5% and 6.75% down to 5.94%, or which'll reduce the total taxes paid by these people by 9-13%.

“And while that marginal tax rate cut for the highest incomes seems small, Kooyenga's plan also gets rid of the state's Alternative Minimum Tax regulations, which tend to grab the richest earners. This means that not only do 6-figure income-makers get an income tax cut from the rates itself, they also are more likely to have the amounts of taxes owed to be near ZERO because of no AMT. When you combine these two variables, it is obvious that the Koo-Kooyenga tax cut has the lion's share of benefits going to the rich.” -A Koo-Koo Tax Cut Idea

It also blows a major hole in the state's budget, especially for the future... so no, I don't approve of the Koo-Koo tax cut, and encourage Dems and GOPs that give a crap about the state's future to stand against what is a clear giveaway to the rich that will send the state back into serious deficits without any increase in services or employment to show from it.

But the true measure of Walker's economic record Is his failed promise of job creation. “Over the past three years, the jobs tally has been an up and down mix. For instance, in eight months of 2014, five showed declines and three showed increases.

“The latest monthly report from the state Department of Workforce Development, issued Sept. 18, 2014, was a mixed bag. The report said there was a loss of 4,300 jobs in August. It also revised the July count up by 2,100 jobs, for an increase of 5,300 in that month.

“For our Walk-O-Meter tally, we use the Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages, which surveys nearly all state businesses, to get the most accurate picture for Walker's first three years in office. We then combine that with monthly survey data to provide the most-up-to-date look at where things stand so far in 2014.

“Our tally now stands at 102,195 jobs - or about 40 percent of what Walker promised. You can see our monthly graphic tracking the governor's progress on the promise here. Time is running out on this campaign promise… ‘I don't think Wisconsin can create 250,000 jobs by the end of 2014,’ said Marquette University economist Abdur Chowdhury. ‘So Gov. Walker's electoral promise would be broken’…” -PolitiFactWisconsin

“Don't dismiss Scott Walker. He's dumb as a pile of rocks, but he uses every available brain cell to his political advantage. He's a skilled politician who never gets rattled, spews out talking points with an greasy slickness that any snake oil salesman would envy, and answers uncomfortable questions with a meme or talking point on an entirely different subject…

“Watch his face when he talks. Those dead eyes and lack of facial expression speak volumes about the ‘real’ Scott Walker. I used to work for this clown and it wasn't pretty.” -PuddyTat

One could argue that failed fiscal policies and broken campaign promises do not in and of themselves constitute psychopathy. True. But taken in conjunction with Walker’s other actions and policies - his assault on Unions and workers rights and the sleazy manner in which he forced through his Act 10 legislation; his war on women; his cold-hearted cuts to BadgerCare and his rejection of billions of dollars in federal health care funds for the program; his attempts to enact the voter ID law and thus disenfranchise a segment of the voting public; his fascist policy of arresting people for SINGING in the capitol rotunda; the well-documented fact that Walker is a compulsive, pathological liar with absolutely no integrity; his abandonment of Wisconsin in pursuit of delusions of grandeur as a presidential candidate; not one, but two John Doe investigations into alleged misconduct where he threw his aides under the bus to save himself; and the shameless manner in which he has divided Wisconsin by pitting private sector employees against public sector employees. Putting all of these pieces together we get a pretty clear picture of Scott Walker the man and his “values” with regard to the citizens of Wisconsin.

Yet despite all the evidence of Walker’s psychopathy the latest polls indicate that he still has the support of about 50% of the population of Wisconsin. I am still scratching my head over this one. Like some hapless victims suffering from Stockholm Syndrome, the “true believers,” stuck in their delusion, secretly (perhaps unconsciously) in love with their oppressor, still hope to somehow benefit from Walker’s austerity policies. Despite the fact that Walker is obviously destroying the middle class along with the Wisconsin economy, these poor deluded souls have FAITH. You gotta give them credit - at least they’re consistent. I guess blind faith is better than none at all. “Wake up people. There are national and local political forces out there who want to gut this great country and make us all paupers just so the rich and powerful can get more rich and powerful.” -Republicans are out to destroy the middle-class

"The Republican Party was once the party of Abraham Lincoln. But today, it is not the same as it was back then. This is a party which appears to have been infiltrated, if not totally taken over, by psychopaths...

"What I want to do here is to explain just why it is that a party such as the Republican Party is a perfect fit for psychopaths. Perhaps the most obvious to those who know what psychopaths are about is that it is the party of 'big money'...

"It is hard for any reasonable, humanity minded person to imagine that it was ever the intention of other like minded people establishing a country such as the United States of America, that some people in a land where we are all supposed to be equal, could ever allow some individuals to accumulate obscenely huge amounts of money, let alone, allowing the same such (wealthy) people to avoid paying a reasonable and fair amount of tax on that wealth. But this is exactly what the Republican Party has been about, protecting people such as this...

"Psychopaths are more aware of basic (or natural/intrinsic) needs and are masters of manipulation... They have no conscience to prevent them from doing what non-psychopaths would never think of doing. They are quick to explain their reasons for doing things, even if they do not make sense to non-psychopaths. Sometimes they will do things which overtly harm people, particularly the 'common man'. This is another reason why they are more likely to associate themselves with the Republican Party as opposed to the Democratic Party..." -The Republican Party As A Haven For Psychopaths

being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the oppressing." ~Malcolm X  

“Scenario #2: Republicans need to pull the wool over the eyes of their loyal, but factually challenged voters. So, they have to divide and conquer. They have to make workers from the private sector hate the workers from the public sector.

“First, we all know the difference between private sector workers and public sector workers. Private sector workers have the chance to make more money. But they could be fired at any time. There’s no health care, no pensions and no unions in the private sector. The public workers (i.e. teachers, firefighters, police officers) choose their line of work in part because of job security and benefits. Over the last 30 years, workers in the private sector have not received a pay increase. Meanwhile, the pay of the public sector jobs are tied into the cost of living. Republicans don’t mention the fact that it is their policies that have caused private sector wages to flatline. But they do mention how fat-cat teachers are living high off the hog. They’re saying to their voters, ‘Look at these people! Your tax dollars are paying their salaries and their benefits, AND THEY’RE MAKING MORE THAN YOU! THIS IS NOT RIGHT! YOU SHOULD BE ANGRY!’

“The true villains in this sorry saga are the monsters on Wall Street. Not the teachers. If private sector workers wanna be mad at something, maybe they should be mad at how much the top CEOs get paid. In 1980, the top CEOs earned 42 times as much as the average worker. In 2011, they earn 551 times as much as the average worker…” -The Greanville Post

“The true villains in this sorry saga are the monsters on Wall Street. Not the teachers. If private sector workers wanna be mad at something, maybe they should be mad at how much the top CEOs get paid. In 1980, the top CEOs earned 42 times as much as the average worker. In 2011, they earn 551 times as much as the average worker…” -The Greanville Post

Traveling down a lonely country road one day at dusk in late October, at the edge of a ragged cornfield under a chemtrail sky, I encountered a crude, handwritten sign which read: “Walker Fixed It, Don’t Mess With It, Nuff Said”. My initial reaction upon seeing the sign was to burst out laughing. But I soon became somber as I realized that Scott Walker was a definite shoo-in for the Goober-natorial race. Walker’s PR machine had managed to bamboozle simple, uneducated folk into believing that he was their Divine Savior. There was no way that he was going to lose the upcoming election…

"In closing, let me note it is really sad to see a politician taking advantage of the jealousy between those that did not work hard in school, did not get an education, and thus have smaller opportunities; and those that worked hard to build their minds, and now work in professional, yet underpaid public service jobs. His campaign preys upon class jealousy, ignorance and racism in rural areas, kowtowing to the lowest denominator of decency in the populace." -Democratic Underground

"What separates Walker from the rest of the Clown Show is his open arrogance. An openly corrupt politician and liar... universally recognized by both Republicans and Democrats as a grand scale ‘compulsive’ LIAR! A man who lies when it's politically expedient to lie, but this crazy also lies even when the truth on the subject or issue at hand has firmly been established or rebuked... what can we say? the guy likes to lie!.." -The Integrity Of A Liar

s as a grand scale ‘compulsive’ Liar! A man who lies when it's politically expedient to lie, but this crazy also lies even when the truth on the subject or issue at hand has firmly been established or rebuked... what can we say? the guy likes to lie!.." -The Integrity of a Liar

A good example of Republican Party psychopathy is their abject and total disregard for the welfare of "common man" as evidenced by the Republican Governor's Associations’ obscene spending to ensure Scott Walker's re-election. "The RGA has, in fact, spent a boatload of money on Walker's behalf, including $5.2 million during his 2010 run for office, $8.9 million during his 2012 recall, and $8 million so far this year. In the last few weeks, the RGA has committed an additional $1.3 million to advertisements..." -Scott Walker Says He’s Being Outspent

The Republican Party clearly has sick priorities. How many millions of dollars spent on advertising to ensure Scott Walker's re-election? What a colossal waste! Just think how far those millions of dollars could have gone to feed and house the homeless in Madison and throughout the state. Instead, we get four more years of Scott Walker's grandiose buffoonery...